Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Souq in Old Jeddah

I stayed up really late last night talking over Skype to family and friends, and also finishing a book that I brought along to read: A Lesson Before Dying by Ernest J. Gaines. We headed out to the old city section of Jeddah today. It was great to get away from the cosmopolitan section that we have spent so much time enjoying. We toured a 150 year old house to see and learn of the history of architecture in Jeddah. Then we had a chance to shop at the souq market that is up and down the streets in this area. I bought a bunch of gifts here, and also I bought a thobe and headdress for myself (you might see a picture of me wearing it soon). Below you can see some scenes from the market.

Also, here is a picture of old Jeddah from the roof of the house we visited. Notice the minarets of a mosque in the background.

Just as we were getting ready to leave the souq, the call to prayer came out over the loudspeakers, projected from the minarets. The shops all closed up and everybody went to a mosque or a place to pray.

We had a short break before we had a talk from the Editor in Chief of Arab News, an English language newspaper. It was an interesting talk because we heard about his wide ranging views of the world and the media. We then had lunch with him, as well as other Saudis. I was fortunate to sit across from Mr. Almaeena, the Editor in Chief, and I had the chance to ask him a lot of questions about world affairs. Now that lunch is over, we are packing and relaxing before we head out to a resort on the Red Sea for this evening through tomorrow afternoon. I may not be able to update the blog again until we arrive in Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia, on Friday evening.


Anonymous said...

Is the Fulla the Barbie in Saudi Arabia?


Anonymous said...

What's your favorite thing in Saudi Arabia so far?

P.S. The Family Under the Bridge was a good book and so is The Best Christmas Pageant Ever so far.


Anonymous said...

If Saudi Arabia's coke and A1 are any good say Jackson and Cody invented these.If they aren't say Jackson and Cody invented pepsi and macironi.

your two best students Jackson and Cody

Anonymous said...

It is very sasd that you can not blog tomorrow. i have a question just like codys, is fulla the barbie there?
sorry i didnt ask that yesterday

Anonymous said...

how do you perounse the word that is is spelled mosque

just wondering

Anonymous said...

dear mr. heiden,
R U looking forward to coming home? We want U back now! It's not like mrs. emmons isn't good, but we R used to stuff differently. Anyway, The Family Under the Bridge was really good. So far, The Best Christmas Pageant Ever is too. Can U wear any clothes that U bought in Sadi Arabia. Morgan and I want to see what people dress like in Sadi Arabia. Come home soon.


Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. H,

It is so slipery here. There is a lot of ice. My bus ran into a tree on our way to school so we were late! Were are you right now? I wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year!


Anonymous said...

We finshed the book The Green Book today.And we are having indoor recess today...again. We are making Christmas presents and cards for our family. You may be getting a bunch of Christmas cards.Got to go to lunch.Bye!

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr.Heiden,

Why did you read a book called A Lesson Before Dying,and also what is what is it about? Also merry Christmas and a happy New Year.

PS. Why did you take a picture of a Fulla and a Barbie?
PSS. I finished Marley and The Green Book.

Anonymous said...

wacky things have been happening here. you need to come back. and i mean it.

morgan and le

Anonymous said...

How are the hot wing there? If they are good we invented them if they are bad we told them to get a real job like knitting. If they are O.K we helped invent them. how is the pie is it any good if so we invented it.

Anonymous said...

I know why they did that to the women! They must not treat women equally there.

Nicholas R.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. H, if Saudi Arabia's coke is any good then we invented them if they're horrible then we invented pepsi and if the pepsi is any good we invented it if they are bad then we invented root beer, if that is not very good then we invented mountain dew and if that is not very good then we invented dr. pepper and if that is bad then that just bad luck.

Anonymous said...

What is a Thobe? My dad thinks it is a robe. The city was kind of cool. Kind of like a movie, right? I can't believe they had a call to prayer while you were shopping :)


Anonymous said...

Dear Mr.H

i like the view of the city. So that is wat Jeddah looks like. Hope u have a great time.


Anonymous said...

dear Mr.Heiden,

Today is the last day of school until winter brake starts. Hopefully you will be back for the holidays. Have you gone to an intresting building? I've got to go were playing sparkle!!!! :)

From, Carly

Mark Heiden said...

Cody, yes, the Fulla doll is only available in the middle east.

I don't know what my favorite thing in Saudi Arabia is so far, there are too many to think of.

Morgan, mosque is pronounced mosk. Christians call their gathering place a church, Muslims call theirs a mosque.

Lia, I am looking forward to getting home, but not to the weather! It is warm and nice here!

Grant, I am glad that everyone was OK on your bus!

Staphanie, I am looking forward to the cards! Did you get something from me today?