Sunday, December 14, 2008

A Saudi Desert Afternoon

This afternoon we were all excited because we got to go out into the desert to see a real camel farm. This is not a tourist destination, but instead this farmer is a friend of one of the Saudi Aramco employees. So, they got us out to the farm. We had to get out of the bus and take 4x4 vehicles into the farm because the cars and buses would get stuck in the sand. Several of us piled into the police 4x4 for a ride over the sand road to the farm.

We visited the camels in pens to begin with (The farmer was nice enough to collect a bunch of his roaming camels early for us to see them. Normally most of them roam around the desert eating before coming home at sundown for water and food.) You can see some of these animals in a pen below.

Then we posed with a fine camel for individual pictures.

We even visited some baby camels that were still nursing from their mothers.

We even watched a camel get milked (and some brave souls tried the fresh milk—I was not one of them—we have pasteurization for a reason!)
Next it was time for the desert trek. We wondered up some sand dunes away from the camels for some exploration.

About that time a huge caravan of camels came home to feed.

We even had camel rides, which were absolutely an amazing experience. The tough part is when the camel gets up, and when it sits down!

We got to experience a Saudi desert sunset,

And then we gathered in the owner’s tent for refreshments and stories. He very much wanted us to stay for dinner (and probably eat some camel!) but we needed to be on our way.

Next it was on to a traditional Saudi meal in a tent at a fine restaurant.

Finally, it was time to return home for some sleep. What a day visiting schools, and then playing in the desert!


Anonymous said...

Very interesting read. Love the photos too. Nice post.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. H,

I can't believe you got to ride on a camel. That's so cool!

Anonymous said...

I am a mad girl!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I mean bad girl!!!!

Anonymous said...

Amazing trip, I look forward to reading your adventures each day. Tell us a bit about the weather. How hot is it there right now?

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr.Heiden

I cant believe it too Jackson. Mr.Heiden got to ride a camel.

Mark Heiden said...

Dr. Reichanadter, the weather here is amazing. It is clear everyday and about 70 degrees each day with a nice breeze. It is truly a nice break from Indiana winter!

Jackson and Christian, Didn't you guys get to ride a camel this weekend too?

Reid, I hope you aren't too mad!

Anonymous said...

I am really enjoying your blog! It looks as if the red carpet has been rolled out for your group. How has your stomach acclimated to the Saudi diet? I would not have been one to taste the camel milk directly from the camel, either!

Unknown said...

I was a part of the spring 2007 trip. Best experience of my life! Looks like you are going everywhere we went...camel farm and all. Enjoy your time. Don't be disappointed if you can't make a classroom e-pal connection with a Saudi teacher and his/her class--we were led to believe that would happen, but it didn't transpire for any of us.

Enjoy your time. Who are your Dhahran and Jeddah hosts?

Amy Flanagan
Elizabethtown, KY

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr.Heiden,

I am so jelous. I can't beleive you got to ride a camel! Are you having good food there? I hope you are having a good time.


Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Heiden,
School has been intresting.A little chatty but intresting.

From, Carly

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. H,

Hey Mr. H, we had to work on your science project and as you remember I am partnered with Adam, well he wasn't here today so I had to finish all by myself but luckily I finished just in time. So I can't wait for you to get back.


Anonymous said...

Dear Mr.Heiden

Those are some very cool pictures.


Anonymous said...

u looked like u were scared when the camel was getting up. were u? also the sunset was very pretty. that is also a lot of food on the table.wat is your favorite food there?

just wondering,

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr.H,

Do you like the food?
What do you eat in Saudi Arabia?


Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Heiden

That is so cool that you got to ride a camel. Was it hard to stay on?I hope you are having a good time.

P.S. I'm sick today but I am feeling better.

Anonymous said...

nice camel where did you get it

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. H,

what did you eat(SPECIFICALLY)

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Heiden,

It's very cold in Fishers. We're supposed to get an ice storm tonight. Do they have cereal in Saudi Arabia? Did you see any Bactrian Camels while you were at the Camel farm? Hope you're having a great time.
p.s. Do you know who Diabetes is?

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr.Heiden

I did not ride a camel this weekend. I am so jelous that u rode a camel. I wanted to ride a camel. Jacob and i finished our sinence project. ( Did u no how we did it!) we did it by copying sentences from the sience book in lesson 2 and we didnt get caught. Anyway Mrs. Emmons finished chs. 1-3 of The Best Christmas Pagent ever.

P.S. I am so julous if u go to the dessert, I hope u get runned over


Mark Heiden said...

Sara, my stomach has been doing just fine on this problems so far! They are feeding us very, very well!

Amy, Ali has been with us the whole time. I can't remember for sure who some of our other hosts have been.

Connor, I do like the food, and I really like to eat all of the desserts, and also humus. I also love the lamb and other meats we have had also.

Anonymous said...

sounds fun!