Thursday, December 11, 2008

Leaving for Saudi Arabia Today

This morning we have breakfast, and then a presentation from a program alumnus about using our Saudi Arabian experience in our classrooms and school. Then it will be time to pack and get checked out of our hotel to head to the airport. We are flying out of George Bush Intercontinental Airport here in Houston on Lufthansa flight 441 at 4:30 PM (5:30 PM EST) to arrive in Frankfurt, Germany at 9:05 AM (3:05 AM EST) on Friday. (Students, how long is that flight?) We then board another plane at 12:50 PM (6:50 AM EST) to fly from Frankfurt, Germany to Dammam, Saudi Arabia on Lufthansa flight 628 to arrive at 9:45 PM (1:45 PM EST). We actually land in Kuwait City, Kuwait for a short time during the Frankfurt to Dammam flight. So, if all goes well I should be in transit from 5:30 PM EST on Thursday until 1:45 PM EST on Friday. Students: How much total travel time is that? Try out your elapsed time skills!

If you are interested, you can probably track my flights online using various flight trackers. One is at this site. Just select the airline (Lufthansa) and the flight number (either 441 or 628). I hope to post again when I reach Saudi Arabia.


Anonymous said...

Dear Mr.heiden

We figured out as a class what the answer was to your questoin. Yesterday my cat got stuck under the stairs. It was funny.


Anonymous said...


are you nervous for your flight?

Anonymous said...

we are almost done reading The Family Under The Bridge and it is a good book.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr.Heiden

Mrs.Emmons is a great teather but u r stil the best. I hope u will have a great trip.

From Christian

P.S I will blow your alien ship up

Anonymous said...

dear mr.heiden

we just started reading The Green Book, you were right, it looks boring but it's a great book. i hope you are enjoying the plane ride, nobody does.

from haley

Anonymous said...

dear Mr.Heiden,

today in science we were doing a project on a bunch of the ecosystem stuff. i did mine with Dillon, but it could have been better.

Nicholas M.

Anonymous said...

dear Mr.Heiden
to day when i came home from school and my dad came back from baltimore and he bought me a was red at the bottom and had 4 stamps on it in the globe was a crab standind on a wave and on the top of the outside of the globe was a baby crab laying on a baby wave

Anonymous said...

Mr.Heiden if you want to ask a question about my snowglobe feel free to ask

Anonymous said...

Dear, Mr Heiden

we started reading the green book today. It is a really good book. But you are right. It sounds boring but it is not.

From Adam

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr.Heiden,

We Had P.E today. And I hung up the stockings today. And the book The Green Book is good so far but it doesn`t have any thig to do with a book. I just finshed my last thing for my spelling contract. Let me gess, you are on the plane right now? By the way` when will you call us? Tell me when you land in Saudi Arabia.


Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. H,

Have a gr8 time. Today in science we made a poster that shows what is happening in a paragraph that Mrs. Emmons assigned us. I am paired up with Adam and I thought that we did a good job on that. Mrs. Emmons is nice but we all still miss you. Hope you have a great time and remember to send lots of pictures of food and stuff like that.

From the best student ever,

Anonymous said...

dear mr.Heiden,

I hope you have a great trip!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

dear mr.heiden

are you having fun?

Anonymous said...

dear Mr.Heiden,

did you know that i am actually German? and why are you supposed to go to Germany anyways instead of just going to Saudi Arabia from Houston?

Nicholas M.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr.Heiden

When will I work the book store with some other kids to? Is the food on plane good?


Anonymous said...

So, you want to know why it is bumpy, ey? Well there are air waves depending on where you are in the world. The elevation and power are determined by revolts ( which are swirling areas of air when you're in the upper part of the air waves). That almost causes zero gravity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nicholas R.

Mark Heiden said...

Kynnedy: How big is your new snow globe?

Anonymous said...

dear mr.heiden,
i hope you are having a good time.


Healthcare and IT Professionals said...

I think the life of college is very good.In my college days i have lot of enjoy with my friends,I really missed my class fellows in Shaheen College