Tuesday, December 9, 2008

I'm in Houston

My flight was fine to Houston today, and then I got a nice car service ride to the DoubleTree hotel where we are staying. It was great to get to meet the people that I will spend the next two weeks with, and I was even surprised to meet one person that teaches just south of Indianapolis! Tonight was just mostly about having dinner, learning some names, and then getting some sleep. Tomorrow we are heading over to Aramco (the Saudi National Oil Company, who is the sponsor of this trip) to learn about the trip, and to learn about Saudi Arabia. I will be sure to share what I am learning tomorrow evening.


Anonymous said...

Dear Mr.Heiden

Will you send us a picture of the food at Saudi Arabia?


Anonymous said...

Somebody get on!

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr.Heiden

Are you having a good time in Houston,Texas?


Unknown said...


I will send a picture of food because often that is one of the most unique parts of any trip to another country.

Anonymous said...

dear mr.heiden,

Can you send me a picture of the food at Saudi Arabia? Have you seen any odd things going on in houston. Just a thought. I hope your having a swell journey in houston and soon to Saudi Arabia!
(: I miss having an awsome teacher like you! Bye!

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr.heiden,

CALL US TODAY! i'M IN DESPRATE NEED OF A CALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

dear Mr.heiden,

Can you send us a picture of the factory? Could you take pictures of some animals in Saudi Arabia. Because you know I collect animal pictures. So because my mom is letting me hang some on the wall I need more for the frames.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Heiden,
Is the hotel in Houston fancy or not? I can't wait to see pictures of Saudi Arabia!


Anonymous said...

Mr. Heiden,

It's Ashley Edgar (from your last year class) just wanted to say YO, What's Up Dawg?

Safe Travels,
Ashley :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Mark,

So glad that you emailed your TOP friends to give us this exciting news of yours!! I would like to know how you got involved in this adventure and what the itinerary holds for you. How many participants? I hope that you did all your Christmas shopping before you left! Have a wonderful time, and I will keep checking your blog!

Wendy Lockard

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr.Heiden

I hope you are having a good time

from Gautam

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Heiden,

Hope you have a gr8 time in Saudi Arabia. Today Mrs. Lehman got the red fans for the Chineese dance. Is the hotel cool or not? Please send us a picture of the food, hotel,or any other thing. Hope you have GREAT time in Saudi Arabia. Bye.

P.S I can't wait to show you my new braces color.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Why is the hotel called the double tree hotel? does it only have two trees? i hope you're having a FABULOUS time in Saudi Arabia!

Anonymous said...

I hope u will have a gr8 trip.

u dont need to kno my name